Whenever your name is mentioned nowadays, Kenneth Okolie, the former Mr. Nigeria, is usually mentioned as well. A lot of your fans may suspect you are dating?

No! That’s not true. You only hear about Kenneth mentioned alongside my name because we worked together in a couple of movies. When two celebrities work together, whenever the name of one person is mentioned there is high chance of the other being mentioned as well.
So, it’s no big deal. We only have a working relationship and that’s all. If another actor played a lead role with me in a movie, his name will definitely come up most times when I’m talked about. Kenneth Okolie is a very good actor, no doubt.

For the purpose of your fans, what is your relationship status now?

I am single, but not searching. My search is over.

So who is the lucky man?

At the right time, you will know him. I don’t think it’s time to reveal his identity yet.

Word to your fans who have missed you?

Over the years, I got so many calls from my fans who have missed me, all asking when I’m coming out with new stuffs. I want to say a big thanks to all of them for their support all these years and for waiting patiently. I will not disappoint you. For those who lost patience, please let’s make it work, for without you, my brand is dead.


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