The Brazilian federal police are worried and are reporting that over 200 Ghanaian citizens who came to watch the on going World Cup have requested asylum after entering the country on tourist visa. The Ghanaians are begging for Brazilian citizenship claiming that they are muslims fleeing inter-religious conflicts in Ghana, and have filed applications in the city of Caxias do Sul.

Police reports further revealed that 1000 more Ghanaians are expected to request refugee status once the games end on Sunday July 13th! They are all believed to be looking for rights to work legally in the country. A police official who spoke on BBC said;

“Asylum cannot be requested at a Brazilian embassy. The asylum seeker must be in the country to apply. We have hundreds of Syrian refugees in Brazil at the moment in the same situation.”

Reacting to this development, a Ghanaian Minister Felix Kwakye Ofosu has issued a statement denying any such religious attack. His statement reads in part;

"The basis for this alleged request is completely false as no religious conflicts is taking place in Ghana. Ghana’s mission in Brazil has been instructed to liaise with the Brazilian authorities to investigate the matter.”


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